Assalamualaikum hai ^^ Selamat Datang ke blog Intan Sofea.. Di kesempatan ini saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya terlebih dahulu ^^.. Nama saya Nur Intan Sofea binti Rosmadi.. Umur 19 tahun.. Mengambil kursus Pangkalan data dan Aplikasi Web.. Merupakan pelajar dari Kolej Vokasional Kuala Selangor ;) // Hai ^^ Welcome To my blog Intan Sofea.. Let me intro first.. My name is Nur Intan Sofea binti Rosmadi.. 19 years old.. take courses Database Management and Web Application.. Student from College Vocational Kuala Selangor ;)

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Hai Assalamualaikum ^^ saya akan post mengenai apa itu Sifat Medan :) haaaaa mesti korang tak tahu kan apa dia keterangannya ? haha okay okay dekat bawah nih pun dah ada keterangannya tau ^^

Sifat Medan (field properties)
If you are using an AutoNumber field as a primary key or as a Replication ID, you should not set this property. Otherwise, choose a number format that meets your specific needs.
Specifies whether the field has an index. There are three available values:
Yes (No duplicates)   Creates a unique index on the field.
Yes (Duplicates OK)   Creates a non-unique index on the field.
No   Removes any index on the field.
Field size
Determine the amount of space allocated for each value
Decimal places
Specifies the number of decimal places to use when displaying numbers.
Input mask
Displays editing characters to guide data entry. For example, an input mask might display a dollar sign ($) at the beginning of the field.
Default value
Automatically assigns the specified value to this field when a new record is added.
Validation rule
Supplies an expression that must be true whenever you add or change the value in this field. Use in conjunction with the Validation Text property.
Validation text
Enter a message to display when a value that is entered violates the expression in the Validation Rule property.
Text align
Specifies the default alignment of text within a control
Smart tags
Attaches a smart tag to the field.
Requires that data be entered in the field.
Specifies whether the field has an index. There are three available values:
Yes (No duplicates)   Creates a unique index on the field.
Yes (Duplicates OK)   Creates a non-unique index on the field.
No   Removes any index on the field.

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